LUBKOV Aleksey Vladimirovich (29.10.1960, Moscow) – Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998), Professor (1999), Head of the Department of History of Russia (2002-2009), Vice-Rector for Research (1998-2006), Acting Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (since 2016), Corresponding Member RAO (2016), Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University (since June 15, 2017). In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin. Student of A. G. Kuzmin, V. G. Tyukavkin, E. M. Shchagin.
In 1990, under the guidance of Professor E.M. Shchagina defended his Ph.D. thesis “Workers’ cooperatives in the October Revolution. February 1917 – November 1918 (based on materials from the Central Industrial Region of Russia). He teaches at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin (Moscow State Pedagogical University) since 1983 at the Department of the History of the USSR of the Soviet period (since 1991 – the Department of Contemporary National History), since 2002 at the Department of Russian History. In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Cooperative movement in Central Russia, 1907 – 1918”. In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin. Student of A. G. Kuzmin, V. G. Tyukavkin, E. M. Shchagin. In 1990, under the guidance of Professor E.M. Shchagina defended his Ph.D. thesis “Workers’ cooperatives in the October Revolution. February 1917 – November 1918 (based on materials from the Central Industrial Region of Russia). He teaches at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin (Moscow State Pedagogical University) since 1983 at the Department of the History of the USSR of the Soviet period (since 1991 – the Department of Contemporary National History), since 2002 at the Department of Russian History. In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Cooperative movement in Central Russia, 1907 – 1918”.
Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Organization “Association of Teachers of History and Social Science”, Council of the Russian Association of Historians of the First World War.
He successfully combines teaching and scientific and organizational activities with administrative work. In 1991 – 1998 – Dean of the Faculty of History, 1998 – 2006 – Vice-Rector for Research. From 2006 to 2013 Vice-Rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education. From September 2013 to August 2014 – Vice-Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, supervised the Museum of the History of the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Archives of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Since September 2016, he moved to work at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Higher Education. Since November 22, 2016 – acting rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University; Corresponding Member was elected in the same year. Russian Academy of Education. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 08, 2017 No.
The area of scientific interests is connected with the study of key problems of the national history of the twentieth century, the history of cooperation and the zemstvo movement in Russia, the history of Russian liberalism, the history of the First World War and the revolution of 1917, the genesis of civil society institutions in Russia, historical anthropology, the history of Soviet cinema, film hermeneutics , creativity of A. A. Tarkovsky, problems of modern historical education.
Awarded with medals “For Labor Valor”, “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Honorary Worker of Higher Education. Cit.: Reader on national history (1914 – 1945): Textbook. M., 1996 (co-author); War. Revolution. Cooperation. M., 1997; The latest history of the Fatherland of the twentieth century: Textbook for universities. T. 1. M., 1998 (co-authored); Rectors of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. 1872 – 2000. Essay. M., 2000; War, Revolution and The Cooperative. Thomson Learming Custom Publisher, 2001; D. I. Shakhovskoy. Selected articles and letters. 1881 – 1895. M., 2002 (published; co-authored); White movement in Russia – its program and leaders. M., 2003 (co-author); Recent national history. XX century. In 2 books: A textbook for university students. M., 2004 (co-author); Reader on the modern history of Russia: 1917 – 2004: At 2 pm M., 2005 (co-authored); The fate of Russian liberals: From the history of the Priyutino brotherhood: Collection of documents and materials. M., 2007 (responsible editor); Recent national history. XX – beginning of the XXI century: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions: In 2 books. M., 2008; Prince Shakhovskoy. The path of the Russian liberal. M., 2008 (co-author).